Summer is OVER! Hello darkness school, my old friend.
[white_box] Overall thoughts on Life on Mars, Hito wa Mitame ga 100 Percent, anone, and Life (!!!) after the jump — very light on spoilers. [/white_box]
(more…)毎日grind, 毎日rhymes
Summer is OVER! Hello darkness school, my old friend.
[white_box] Overall thoughts on Life on Mars, Hito wa Mitame ga 100 Percent, anone, and Life (!!!) after the jump — very light on spoilers. [/white_box]
(more…)RE: my viewing habits—
Despite feeling pleased with the quality of dramas I saw last year, I was pretty discouraged when I saw that my yearly drama count went from 34 to only 19. I haven’t been watching much lately, so I thought maybe I was becoming picky or there just wasn’t much to watch.
Looking at what I finished, I know that isn’t the case. 2017 had a lot of good dramas I missed! And looking back at my yearly roundup posts, I realized something very important… I’ve always watched dramas less dramas during school. The only time I really ramped up my viewing habits was when I was on a school break, like now.
For k-dramas I do generally prefer to watch live/normally because the series/episodes are way too long for me to ever want to watch otherwise. Seriously, when’s the last time I ever watched an OLDER k-drama? There’s a reason why I still haven’t finished Misty! J-dramas are short, sweet, and easy to finish within a day or two. So I actually think it’s better for me to wait until an extended break for me to watch whatever I want rather than feeling overwhelmed and ultimately discouraged when I end up dropping everything and watching nothing, lol.
[white_box] Spoiler free reviews on Kangoku no Ohime-sama, Totsuzen desu ga, Ashita Kekkon Shimasu, Okusama wa, Toriatsukai Chuui, Okaasan, Musume wo Yamete Ii desu ka? after the jump. [/white_box]
omfg I can’t believe I missed doing a spring roundup post. Real talk, I was not watching any dramas in the spring, which is a bummer to think about since I’m just wasting money on my DramaFever subscription…
There are a few dramas that have piqued my interest (mostly on the j-drama side) but for now, I am watching the OCN remake of BBC’s Life on Mars.
[white_box] MASSIVE SPOILERS FOR EPISODES 1-8 AHEAD. [/white_box] (more…)
My thought process right now is a little something like “FML I wish I was a better writer so I could more accurately express all these feelings!!!” and “I NEED TO POST SOMETHING ASAP BEFORE 9-10!!!”. To anyone who actually reads this blog, this is my PSA for the summer: WATCH FOREST OF SECRETS. It might change your life, just saying.
[white_box] Spoilers up to episode 8, also very text heavy because I was too lazy for images. [/white_box]
Amazing things: I’ve watched 19 dramas so far this year! I usually end up finishing dramas within weeks of each other rather than endless marathon sessions, feels like a lot though. (more…)
Woah! This felt like the longest summer season ever. I’ve been watching dramas quite steadily every week, but it was like things went on and on and only now does it feel like things are finally coming to an end. The wait before the autumn season is going to be unbearable.
It’s still upwards of 100°F here, so I guess I can still talk about the dramas I’m checking out this summer! Even though I was doing a lot of sampling, it looks like I’ll be sticking around to watch… everything. Haha.