
毎日grind, 毎日rhymes

Tag: spring

  • Spring ’17

    Spring ’17

    (Yes spring, because summer doesn’t actually start until June 20th!)

    Like last year, I’ve been obsessed with a certain game that’s left little room in my heart for dramas. H O W E V E R, Mystery Queen (or Queen of Mystery) is the only drama that managed to hold my interest and actually reaffirmed my belief in big network dramas. I loved coming back after a day of work/school and tucking into this drama. Mystery Queen isn’t necessarily one of those dramas where you turn your brain off, but it has that excellent combination of factors (hilarious, crazy good chemistry between leads, fun supporting characters, good mysteries, cute factor) that make it a comforting watch. (more…)

  • Spring ’16, Part 2

    Spring ’16, Part 2

    The future is ✨ BRIGHT ✨, my friends! I decided to “pass/fail” (so to speak) some dramas, but ended up passing most of them. I love having so many Japanese dramas to watch!

  • Spring ’16, Part 1

    Spring ’16, Part 1

    NOTE: I wrote this on May 1, where it continued to languish in my drafts until I finished Fire Emblem Fates (AGAIN) and realized that I didn’t have anything to do. And I finally started watching Japanese dramas again after not finishing any of the ones in my Winter ’16 post. Progress!

    I’ll be honest. After Signal, I lost interest in watching any dramas. And how could I not? It was just… so much. SO MUCH PERFECTION! And you heard it here first — there’s nothing that will top it this year. I didn’t bother finishing any of the other ones I started either, and it probably didn’t help that I was in the middle of last minute travel prep and Fire Emblem Fates. I did watch some of Sanadamaru while I was in Japan and while it was very exciting to go to Osaka Castle (where I had a moment and realized why I kept seeing Sakai Masato’s face all over Osaka stations… lol), I wasn’t like “oh my gosh, gotta watch some dramas!”


  • Spring ’15

    Spring ’15

    Sometimes I wonder how many dramas is too many dramas… and then I watch more. Ha! This is more like a mid-season review, but it’s all Gucci! (more…)

  • Spring Sampler (2013)

    Spring Sampler (2013)

    Rather than writing about the dramas I’m seriously committing to, I’m previewing episodes of everything ever basically. You might also call this wanton “LET’S TRY THIS” foolishness. I still have a grip of dramas from last season to finish, but eh.


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