
毎日grind, 毎日rhymes

Tag: 2013

  • Day 13: Yearly Review (2013)

    Day 13: Yearly Review (2013)

    Mahoro Ekimae Bangaichi
    Nakuna, Hara-chan
    Shotenin Michiru no Mi no Uebanashi
    Saikou no Rikon
    Sharehouse no Koibito

    Cheap Flight
    Doubles ~Futari no Keiji~
    Last Cinderella
    Soratobu Kouhoushitsu
    Nine: Nine Times Travels

    Double Tone
    I Hear Your Voice
    Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo
    Master’s Sun
    Two Weeks

    Ando Lloyd
    Glass no Ie
    Hana no Kusari
    Medical Top Team
    Miss Korea

    Realizing now that I never got the opportunity to talk about some of the dramas I watched last year, but I think doing one of these towards the end of the next year is perfect timing. HAH. (more…)

  • Summer ’13 (fin.)


    Woah! This felt like the longest summer season ever. I’ve been watching dramas quite steadily every week, but it was like things went on and on and only now does it feel like things are finally coming to an end. The wait before the autumn season is going to be unbearable.

    Spoilers for Two Weeks, Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo, Master’s Sun, and a handful of other dramas. (Tread lightly.)


  • Summer Sampler (2013)


    It’s still upwards of 100°F here, so I guess I can still talk about the dramas I’m checking out this summer! Even though I was doing a lot of sampling, it looks like I’ll be sticking around to watch… everything. Haha.

  • Spring Sampler (2013)

    Spring Sampler (2013)

    Rather than writing about the dramas I’m seriously committing to, I’m previewing episodes of everything ever basically. You might also call this wanton “LET’S TRY THIS” foolishness. I still have a grip of dramas from last season to finish, but eh.


    Pages: 1 2 3

  • First Impressions (Winter 2013).


    It’s been a struggle to keep up this season, but it’s more from my laziness than anything. That said, I still managed to start two Korean dramas (which I will be discussing soon because whoooooaaaaa). Priorities? Anyway, check out what I’m watching this season after the jump!
