
毎日grind, 毎日rhymes

Category: round up

  • A year in dramas (2017).

    A year in dramas (2017).

    明けましておめでとう! ✨

    Famous last words from my 2016 roundup, about 2017: “Maybe this’ll be the year I break 40?” Well…

    Furenaba Ochin*
    Sennyuu Keiji Idol Deka Dance*
    Yuusha Yoshihiko to Michibikareshi 7-nin*
    Juken no Cinderella*
    Naomi to Kanako*
    Unmei ni, Nita Koi*
    Lunch no Joou*
    Unubore Deka*
    Shinya Shokudo 4*
    Keiji Yugami
    Kurokawa no Techo
    BORDER: Shoudou
    Kahogo no Kahoko

    Tomorrow With You
    Mystery Queen
    The Best Hit
    Forest of Secrets
    Rescue Me

    Totsuzen desu ga, Ashita Kekkon Shimasu
    Okaasan, Musume wo Yamete ii desu ka?
    Samurai Gourmet
    Hito wa Mita Me ga 100%
    Okusama wa, Toriatsukai Chuui
    Prison Playbook
    Ito-kun A to E

    * did not air this year

    TOTAL: 19

    DISMAL. I couldn’t even break 20! I think school being a bit more difficult than usual (and starting a new job) was what lead to a big dip in my viewing habits after the end of January. I can usually make time to watch just about anything (2015-2016 I was working full time), but not this year. I am pretty proud of what I was able to watch though. As far as favorites go, Quartet and Forest of Secrets were my top two, but the latter is the best overall. It was just so dang good! And you know I love a drama when I dedicate separate posts to it on a weekly basis, hehe.

  • Fall ’17, Part 2

    Fall ’17, Part 2

    You can see part 1 here. Like a bum, I accidentally titled the post “fall”, when it should have been “autumn” to match all the other times I’ve done it! 😒 Oh well.

    [white_box] Contains light spoilers (very, very light) for Wise Prison Life, also very text heavy because I am lazy. Pictured image is from Keiji Yugami, episode… something. [/white_box]


  • Fall ’17, Part 1

    Fall ’17, Part 1

    ⬆️⬆️⬆️ AKA me after the first few weeks of school. Not really watching too much this season.

    Hito wa Mitame ga 100 Percent / HitoPa is a ticket to the chuckle bus. The drama has a habit staying on a comedic beat for a liiiiiittle too long, but it’s whatever. What I don’t understand is that they’re telling me NO ONE will even glance at Kiritani Mirei… are you kidding me? She’s cute. Mizukawa Asami is gorgeous. And the only thing tragic about Blouson Chiemi is her eyebrows. Suspension of belief is 100% required, but it’s still lighthearted and fun. — Episode 3


  • Summer ’17

    Summer ’17

    My thought process right now is a little something like “FML I wish I was a better writer so I could more accurately express all these feelings!!!” and “I NEED TO POST SOMETHING ASAP BEFORE 9-10!!!”. To anyone who actually reads this blog, this is my PSA for the summer: WATCH FOREST OF SECRETS. It might change your life, just saying.

    [white_box] Spoilers up to episode 8, also very text heavy because I was too lazy for images. [/white_box]


  • Spring ’17

    Spring ’17

    (Yes spring, because summer doesn’t actually start until June 20th!)

    Like last year, I’ve been obsessed with a certain game that’s left little room in my heart for dramas. H O W E V E R, Mystery Queen (or Queen of Mystery) is the only drama that managed to hold my interest and actually reaffirmed my belief in big network dramas. I loved coming back after a day of work/school and tucking into this drama. Mystery Queen isn’t necessarily one of those dramas where you turn your brain off, but it has that excellent combination of factors (hilarious, crazy good chemistry between leads, fun supporting characters, good mysteries, cute factor) that make it a comforting watch. (more…)

  • Winter ’17, Part 1

    Winter ’17, Part 1

    New year, new dramas? Not quite…

    There were a bunch of dramas I wanted to watch last year but didn’t actually get around to watching. So for most of this month, I’ve challenged myself to only watching dramas I missed out on. The “challenge” wasn’t all that difficult considering that there isn’t a lot to watch right now. Subs are trickling in and the recent batch of kdramas seems mostly unimpressive, LOL.


    Yuusha Yoshihiko to Michibikareshi 7-nin / I think when I last wrote about it I was at episode 3, but I caught up and it just kept getting better! I’m not sure it’ll be back for a fourth season (ending was kind of ambiguous), but if this is the end I’m glad it went out on a high note.

    Furenaba Ochin / Not the most disappointing drama I’ve watched, but not one I’d recommend any time soon. While the plot itself is so tired (housewives and affairs), the ending made me WTF. In a bad way. With my entire body and soul. It was just so unnecessary, like the amount of time I spent watching this drama. Shoutout to Hasegawa Kyoko’s new lips tho. (more…)

  • A year in dramas (2016).

    A year in dramas (2016).


    Boku no Yabai Tsuma
    Dias Police
    Cold Case
    Good Partner
    Juhan Shuttai
    Kyouhansha (SP)*
    Love Revolution*
    Love Song
    Nigeru wa Haji da ga Yaku ni Tatsu

    Seirei no Moribito (Season 1)
    Slow Dance*
    Totto Terebi
    Watashi Kekkon Dekinain Janakute, Shinain desu
    Yume wo Ataeru*
    Kono Machi no Inochi ni (SP)
    Gou Gou Datte Neko de Aru
    Kuroi 10-nin mo Onna
    Kenja no Ai
    Suishou no Kodou


    Age of Youth
    Baek Hee Has Returned
    Beautiful Mind
    Ms. Temper & Nam Jung-gi
    Oh My Venus
    One More Happy Ending
    Page Turner
    The Good Wife

    The King 2 Hearts*
    Moonlight Drawn By Clouds
    My Wife Is Having An Affair This Week

    * = did not air in 2016

    TOTAL: 34

    Not too bad. Maybe this’ll be the year I break 40? Right now I’m still watching Doctor X 4 and Yuusha Yoshihiko to Michibikareshi 7-nin, which I’ll probably just include in my count for 2017. My undisputed favorites this year were Juhan Shuttai! and Signal; the former made me really optimistic about j-dramas again, whereas the latter ruined me and I just had no patience for tired old formulas in k-dramas. Here’s to another year in dramas! I guess my continuing resolution is to try more “classics”, haha.

  • Autumn ’16, Part 1

    Autumn ’16, Part 1


    I just barely passed this amount in last year’s fall roundup, and that was in November! What can I say, weekend marathons are my specialty. Now onto the state of things…


  • Summer ’16, Part 2

    Summer ’16, Part 2

    As some of you may have seen from my Twitter, I was at PAX this past weekend! Spoiler: it was awesome. I was only away for 3 days, but I was surprised by how many drama episodes I was able to squeeze in…
