
毎日grind, 毎日rhymes

Category: watching

  • butlers and stuff.


    Mei-chan no Shitsuji is the type of drama I can really get attached to. I’m really loving the supporting cast so far; a well put together cast is pretty much destined for greatness (Hanazakari no Kimitachi e … and something like My Boss My Hero, I guess).

    There are a couple things I’ve noticed with this drama, though:

  • it’s march!

    it’s march!

    And that means–

    • I will be spending a lot of money on music. I’ve been buying a lot of songs from the iTunes store lately. BLAH!
    • Time to marathon some dramas! I’ve made it my mission to watch ROOKIES no matter what. And maybe I’ll like Sato Takeru more, because he’s really not doing anything for me in Mei-chan no Shitsuji and I think his role as the “third wheel” is really unfortunate. I never root for the third wheel (ex. Jihoo, Rui, Nakatsu)!
    • My favorite season is nearly here.
  • Della Togashi laughs in the face of bullets!


    Koki Mitani (writer and director of The Magic Hour) said that his goal was to make the audience laugh “three times a minute”. Honestly? I was laughing more than that!


  • “Goal-in!”


    I found myself very frustrated with this series, especially when Riiko didn’t appreciate Night’s efforts. Towards the end, Zettai Kareshi redeemed itself by being hilarious (Hayami Mokomichi is a lot of love) and allowing Riiko to realize she loved Night. It was so sweet, I loved it!

    I liked that Night became a little more human, too. That was my main problem when I started watching the drama and I’m glad it was slightly rectified, lmao.

    As for the finale… it was a surprise. I was about ready for some full on “Tada, Kimi wo Aishiteru” tears (I cried hardcore during that movie), but it took a lot of self-restraint and I did not. To be honest, if it hadn’t ended like it did, I don’t think the impact would be as “powerful” as it was. I don’t know. It was a good ending and another good spring drama. ♥

  • Cartoons from the 90s make me cry.

    Cartoons from the 90s make me cry.

    On a Tuesday night, when I really should be working on my double load of math (curses for not doing it earlier!) and essay, I sit here watching old Sailor Moon episodes.

    No joke, I honestly teared up when Nephrite and Naru started talking about simple things. Chocolate parfait. Sundays off. And they were laughing together, which made it even sadder since I knew what was going to happen…

    At some point, I think he genuinely cared about her (obvs) but the Dark Kingdom just doesn’t roll that way. :'(

    “I don’t think we’ll get to eat a chocolate parfait together.”

    … I’m so glad I have a tissue box on my desk.