
毎日grind, 毎日rhymes

Category: watching

  • my heart’s a-flutterin’


    It started with watching Yankee Bokou ni Kaeru, then I somehow began a psuedo-marathon of Takenouchi Yutaka‘s dramas (including BOSS 2, which I just finished not too long ago), and finally, a marathon of all the dramas I can possibly watch before my summer is over. In other words, I’m totally smitten.

    My feelings can accurately be summed up as follows:

  • I wish I could be paid to do this…

    [yellow_box]Spoilers for the most recent episodes of BOSS 2, JIN 2, Rebound and all of Ogon no Buta. This post is a long one!


    BOSS 2

    Remember how I said that BOSS 2 was descending into a pit of mediocrity (maybe not in as many words)? Well, episode 7 happened, and it was exactly the kind of quality I’ve been wanting and expecting all season.


  • I wish I knew lbs to kgs


    Now watching Rebound. I didn’t plan to, but JIN 2 is serious (ly great) and BOSS 2 is verging on mediocre, so I’d thought to balance it out with something. This is such a cute show! The end of the second episode made me laugh because, uwah— KARMA! Regardless, it’s one of those shows whose endings I can see from a mile away, but that’s perfectly alright.

  • JIN 2 (Episode 1)


    (I feel like a cheat. This is an all new screencapture, I didn’t color it or anything, but it’s almost the same exact one I used when I first posted about JIN in December 09! Parallels…)

    I wasn’t even sure that this series could get any better, but it did. The political intrigue is ten times more interesting than it was last time. I remember getting bored during the second half of the very first episode of JIN, but at the time of typing this, I was about an hour into it and wondering when it would end because clearly such greatness cannot last!

    That’s all I’ll say about it for now, too busy with wrapping up the semester to elaborate anymore. Mad excited about the next episode, though. If you’re not watching this already (the whole series!), GET TO IT.

  • The Naked Kitchen (2008)


    This was one frustrating, adulterous flop of a movie, but it was nice to see Joo Ji Hoon and Shin Min Ah in something kind of recent. And together. Sort of.

  • Mawang (fin.)


    I, um, ugly cried my way through the Mawang ending. It looked even worse than Oh Seung Ha’s ugly crying. I was literally clutching my pillow to my face for dear life and hiccuping for the last ~10 minutes of the drama. The ending itself was… ideal. It didn’t end the way I personally wanted it to, but it was for the best. I guess. Despite the fact that I feel my heart got stomped from here to Seoul.

    The only problem is that I thought Mawang was so good for a Korean drama. So good that I’m afraid to watch any others because I don’t want to be let down, ahah. They are also far too long for my tastes — twenty episodes? That’s a show, a sequel, and an SP for any Japanese series…

    I think I’m going to cheer myself up by watching The Naked Kitchen. You can never have too much Joo Ji Hoon!



    I have finally started watching Mawang and while I’m only six eight episodes in (this would be half a series in Japan, but I’ve barely scratched the surface here) and I’m actually surprised that it’s good so far? What universe am I in?! Boys Before Flowers was so horrendous that I thought I’d never watch another Korean drama again.

    … and that is what I typed a couple nights ago. Then, I watched a couple more episodes. It got better.

    But last night I had a dream about it and that basically solidified the fact that I REALLY REALLY LIKE MAWANG. And not just because Joo Ji Hoon is fine as haaaaaaaale and he was the centerpiece of my dream … …

    I feel like the production values of Japanese dramas are slightly better than Korean dramas. I just finished watching Utsukushii Rinjin last night (which I will get to in another post) and the cinematography was gorgeous. Mawang on the other hand… is Atashinichi Danshin quality. Which is alright. And you know there’s a problem when you see the breaths of the actors when they’re inside a building, hahaha!


    Lastly, I don’t know how I feel about Kang Oh Soo. What he did was pretty awful and I guess whoever this ~mystery villain isn’t going about this the right way, but dammit if Oh Seung Ha isn’t attractive/CREEPY. Those long stares. So awkward! And Joo Ji Hoon’s acting is kind of stiff, I don’t know if it was always like this since it’s been a while since I watched Antique.

    Also: “I don’t warn twice.” AWWW SHIT

  • A Boy and His Samurai

    A Boy and His Samurai

    The way of the supermarket:

    “One takes a basket in which he carries the items to be purchased. Items on sale are best bought in bulk. Consider the reasons they were marked down. Note the expiration date on fresh produce, as items on sale are usually close to expiring.”

    Please watch Chonmage Purin. It will make your life… or at least your day. There’s delicious, delicious cakes. Nishikido Ryo being domestic and delightfully awkward as an out-of-place samurai. Nishikido Ryo being husband and dad material. (Oh, and the son is the CUTEST. ) And baking related movies are the best!

  • Mr. Milk & Mr. Coffee

    Can these two (Matsuda Shota, Nakamura Shido) just make commercials together forever?

    And if you don’t know what I mean, please enlighten yourself!

  • Two seasons, an SP, and a movie. I’M DONE


    The Keizoku series is just…

    It starts off innocently enough, with (predictable) murder mysteries, but towards the very end of the series —and I mean INTO THE EIGHTH EPISODE, OF ELEVEN— it gets real! I know I overuse that expression a lot, but the you-know-what probably hits the fan like a billion times throughout. Really.

    Mayama and Shibata (omg) are nothing like Sebumi and Touma. For starters, Sebumi is not an asshole, hahahahah. And it’s probably because Nakatani Miki is the better actress, but Shibata’s “quirks” were ten times better than Touma’s. So lulzy.


    I think I did enjoy SPEC a little more, but this one made me gasp a lot plus there was actual romance between the leads (you guys, my heart). AND IT WAS AMAZING.
