I have finally started watching Mawang and while I’m only six eight episodes in (this would be half a series in Japan, but I’ve barely scratched the surface here) and I’m actually surprised that it’s good so far? What universe am I in?! Boys Before Flowers was so horrendous that I thought I’d never watch another Korean drama again.
… and that is what I typed a couple nights ago. Then, I watched a couple more episodes. It got better.
But last night I had a dream about it and that basically solidified the fact that I REALLY REALLY LIKE MAWANG. And not just because Joo Ji Hoon is fine as haaaaaaaale and he was the centerpiece of my dream … …
I feel like the production values of Japanese dramas are slightly better than Korean dramas. I just finished watching Utsukushii Rinjin last night (which I will get to in another post) and the cinematography was gorgeous. Mawang on the other hand… is Atashinichi Danshin quality. Which is alright. And you know there’s a problem when you see the breaths of the actors when they’re inside a building, hahaha!

Lastly, I don’t know how I feel about Kang Oh Soo. What he did was pretty awful and I guess whoever this ~mystery villain isn’t going about this the right way, but dammit if Oh Seung Ha isn’t attractive/CREEPY. Those long stares. So awkward! And Joo Ji Hoon’s acting is kind of stiff, I don’t know if it was always like this since it’s been a while since I watched Antique.
Also: “I don’t warn twice.” AWWW SHIT