AKA straight from Twitter, not proofread!!
(more…)Category: watching
安堂ロイド〜A.I. knows LOVE?〜 (fin.)
I don’t understand the purpose of this show.
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安堂ロイド〜A.I. knows LOVE?〜, an overview.
Despite the great forces behind it (Nishiogi Yumie, Hideaki Anno—yes, that one), my expectations for Ando Lloyd were low, low, low. I had also just come off of finishing PRIDE, which makes me bitter and wary all at the same time. Talk about making yourself hard to love…Slight spoilers for Episode 1. -
Summer ’13 (fin.)
Woah! This felt like the longest summer season ever. I’ve been watching dramas quite steadily every week, but it was like things went on and on and only now does it feel like things are finally coming to an end. The wait before the autumn season is going to be unbearable.
Spoilers for Two Weeks, Yamada-kun to 7-nin no Majo, Master’s Sun, and a handful of other dramas. (Tread lightly.) -
Summer Sampler (2013)
It’s still upwards of 100°F here, so I guess I can still talk about the dramas I’m checking out this summer! Even though I was doing a lot of sampling, it looks like I’ll be sticking around to watch… everything. Haha.
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Double Tone, an overview.
Double Tone (NHK) does a lot of overhead shots of various “work spaces”. I’m thinking it’s stylistic (Instagram culture?!), but it’s done so frequently that I wonder if there’s some kind of deeper significance.
I’m mostly caught up with Double Tone, and the first episode blew my mind a little bit! It’s like a simpler 49 Days with a seemingly sinister mystery, but the protagonists are privy to the fact that they are occupying each others’ dreams from the beginning.
Spoilery question after the jump! Proceed with caution. -
Spring Sampler (2013)
Rather than writing about the dramas I’m seriously committing to, I’m previewing episodes of everything ever basically. You might also call this wanton “LET’S TRY THIS” foolishness. I still have a grip of dramas from last season to finish, but eh.
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five things
Five little things I’ve been digging lately!
SHINee, “Dream Girl”
Talk about a cute and dreamy music video! I like everything about their concept. Nice hair? Check. Fun choreo? If getting fancy with the mic stand counts, check. Suits on suits on suits? Check, check, check!
First Impressions (Winter 2013).
It’s been a struggle to keep up this season, but it’s more from my laziness than anything. That said, I still managed to start two Korean dramas (which I will be discussing soon because whoooooaaaaa). Priorities? Anyway, check out what I’m watching this season after the jump!