
毎日grind, 毎日rhymes

Music Rotation #1

When I was a young(er) person on the internet learning more about j-pop, my lifelines were the various mp3 rotations scattered around self-hosted domains on the web. Eventually those died out (who even has a personal website anymore? haha… 😬) and transitioned to places like LJ. Of course, they were legally dubious, but fans had to do what they had to do back then.

These days you can stream just about anything, which is great, but playlists don’t really hit like the old mp3 rotations do. So I thought it would be pretty cool to share on a regular basis all the current stuff I’m listening to.

No playlist, just YouTube links. But you can find these songs on your favorite streaming services.

  1. Utada Hikaru – “Kibun janai no (Not In The Mood)”1
  2. Hirose Kohmi – “Groovy!”2
  3. Crystal Kay – “That Girl”
  4. Roman Kakumei – “Annatsua”
  5. Da-iCE – “A2Z”
  6. Fujii Kaze – “Michi te yuku (Overflowing)”3
  7. Daichi Miura – “Everything I Am (feat. Furui Riho)”
  8. Daichi Miura – “Zenkai feat. KREVA”
  9. Daichi Miura – “Hagaromo”4
  10. yama – “NISEKAO”
  1. Patiently waiting for SCIENCE FICTION but this song just hits every time, especially on a rainy day. ↩︎
  2. I was watching some historical one episode drama with Osawa Takao and I was wondering what he’d been up to since I haven’t watched him in anything since the Strawberry Night movie. (I also rewatched (?) Card Captor Sakura last year.) I checked Google and apparently they were married!? ↩︎
  3. The live version on NHK Tiny Desk is pretty, too. ↩︎
  4. I promise I’m not just trying to fill up to 10 songs; the entire album was just THAT good. He should do that more often! (And by that, I mean releasing original music often.) ↩︎