I started watching Netflix like a lot of other people at the height of the pandemic. But, like I had mentioned before, this translated into watching a lot of anime. A lot a lot. Renewed-my-Crunchyroll-subscription-a lot.
One Punch Man
Cells at Work!
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Ayashi no Ceres
Cells at Work! Code Black
Inuyasha, Seasons 1 – 6
Inuyasha: The Final Season
Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Mobile Suit Gundam UC
Attack on Titan, Seasons 1 – 4
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean1
Cells at Work!, Season 2
Kimetsu no Yaiba, Season 1
Sailor Moon R
Sailor Moon S
Sailor Moon Super S
Sailor Moon Sailor Stars
Sakamoto desu ga
Yu Yu Hakusho
Ranking of Kings
Kimetsu no Yaiba, Season 2
Attack on Titan, Season 4 (lol)
SPY×FAMILY, Season 1
Mob Psycho 100, Seasons 1 – 3
Chainsaw Man
Outlaw Star2
Kimetsu no Yaiba, Season 3
SPY×FAMILY, Season 2
Jujutsu Kaisen, Seasons 1 – 2
Attack on Titan, Season 4… 🙃
I’m sure I’m mixing up cours3 and series, but this has to be an astromantical astronomical amount of individual anime seasons to have watched in a few years. It helps that with the exception of Gundam UC, all the episodes are short and sweet. My friend (you know who you are! hi!) also gave me a lot of recommendations over the years and I’m so grateful!
Kimetsu no Yaiba / So good that I’ve watched the first season about 3 times, cried watching the movie IN PERSON (guess who my favorite character became… and was 😭), then watched second season twice. I love it. LOL
ODDTAXI / The best show to go into not know ANYTHING. Not even a summary. Blew me away!
Ranking of Kings / It was giving me Ghibli meets Game of Thrones vibes and I liked it a lot. This was a show that taught me a lot about the splendor of good animated work, too!
Mob Psycho / I could write a post on this show alone and… to be perfectly honest with you, I did. Thanks Apple Notes! I might publish it for posterity, but I’m also tempted to rewatch what I consider one of theeeeeeeee most well done anime I’ve watched in these past few years. Top 5 at least.
SPY×FAMILY / No thoughts, just borf
- Only the first 12 episodes, since I wasn’t aware that Netflix would be splitting it up. I might go back and finish it someday. ↩︎
- I wish I could find out more information about the studio and artists that worked on it because the backgrounds were STUNNING. They had to have been hand drawn… ↩︎
- Like sakuga, I also learned what a cour is. I feel like the anime landscape has changed a lot. ↩︎
WELL THEN! Now back to your regularly scheduled programing… dramas (?) 😂