Ito-kun A to E
Kangoku no Ohime-sama
Totsuzen desu ga, Ashita Kekkon Shimasu
Okusama wa, Toriatsukai Chuui
Okaasan, Musume wo Yamete Ii desu ka?
Hito wa Mita Me ga 100%
Momikeshite Fuyu
Ossan’s Love
Takane no Hana
Prison Playbook
Life on Mars
The Smile Has Left Your Eyes
* did not air in 2018
To no one’s surprise (at least not mine), I did not watch a lot of dramas this year. I’m also not surprised by how many k-dramas I watched, either… it was a pretty weak year with very few standouts. There are some dramas I’m interested in revisiting (after I finish the ones on my DNF list) though.
It’s hard to pick favorites as far as k-dramas go, but I think I’ll just have to hand it to Jung Kyung-ho because he knocked it out of the park twice last year with Prison Playbook and Life on Mars.
Unnatural was initially my pick for j-drama of the year, and while it is still one of the best I’ve ever watched… Ossan’s Love though. I went into it thinking it was going to be a hot mess but instead I laughed and cried and laughed a lot. My favorite drama of the year… a romantic comedy. I’m shocked too! Hopefully I get more surprises in 2019, too. 😊