But first, a treat for the senses:
I’m usually not one for mobile games, but against my better judgment I started Fire Emblem Heroes at launch and have not stopped playing it since. I’m ashamed to say I’ve poured a disgusting amount of money into it, but oh well. Gacha game too stronk.
Like the mainline Fire Emblem games, I’m not particularly good at playing (lol) but I love the strategy involved and find it a lot of fun.
First unit: Jagen
– Honestly, it could have been someone else because I’ve sent home so many units but he was integral to my team for the longest time!
First 5* unit: Lyn
– And I take her for granted because I rarely user her, lol…
Favorite Askran: Sharena
– Also the only one I’ve promoted to 5* and done some SI on, lol.
Favorite Lancer: Sharena (infantry), Cordelia (flier), Tana (flier), Lukas (infantry), Hinoka (flier)
– This is tough because it feels like 1) all my favorite units are blue 2) all most frequently used units are lancers! If I need an infantry unit, I usually go for Sharena and am always surprised whenever I use Lukas and realize just how dang tanky he is. Cordelia is… everything. Her build really works for me. I also used Hinoka as an additional flier, but have since subbed her in for Tana since she’s tankier.
Favorite ax…er: Hector (armored), Frederick (calvary), Cherche (flier), p!Azura (infantry)
– Obviously in my heart of hearts it’s Frederick, BUT Hector brings the noise, the ruckus, and pure power in my barracks. I don’t even really know his IVs, I just know that he’s great. I don’t have backups for any of these units, but Axura is a relatively new addition and I’ve been trying to build her up a bit since she’s quite unique. And somehow I have 3 of her… haha… /shame
backup: Titania (calvary)
Favorite sword: Ike (infantry), Palla (flier), Elincia (flier)
– THE ONLY sword unit I use regularly is Ike. He’s just good at everything, and I don’t think the build I have on him is too bad either. I was using Palla pretty frequently up until I got Elincia since she’s a bit faster, but I think they’re the same in terms of “level”… at least they way I use them.
Favorite green mage: not Nino
– I tried REALLY hard to make Nino a viable unit, but she just doesn’t work for me. I think it might have to do with the fact that I don’t feel like promoting her to 5* (she’s 4* + 7) and her IVs are just plain terrible. I like Soren as a unit and as a character, but he’s not much better. Thankfully I was able to snag Inigo after MUCH whaling, the even more superior Rhajat (I haven’t even learned any skills yet but she’s so good… also her art is super pretty lmao), and Sonya (who wrecked me in TT). I also lucked out and got Gunnthra a couple banners ago. — so I think I’m good.
Favorite blue mage: Reinhardt (calvary), s!Corrin (flier)
– Like Ike, I use Reinhardt for everything because MAGIC is everything.
Favorite red mage: Tharja
– She’s a bit of a glass canon, but she destroys everything on sight.
Favorite archer: Jeorge
– TO BE HONEST, I had a 5* Takumi… and I sent him home. Actually, I let Genny eat him. Haha. Jeorge was my second 5* and the first unit I got to 40, and I find him pretty reliable for whenever I need an archer. Faye I like because her art is SUPER cute, and I’m trying to let Klein be the speed demon he is. I do also have spooky Jakob (he’s good!) and Bow Lyn who is APPARENTLY a terror in arena, but I don’t use her enough to know lmao. Despite having her at 40!
Favorite healer: Eliiiiiise, Genny
– Like a bum, I didn’t really give healers much stock until I did some arena runs with Elise and realized just how useful they were ESPECIALLY with a dancer unit. Since I just got Genny, I’m trying to make her into an offensive terror but getting SP is a lot harder than I remember lmao.
Favorite dagger: p!Olivia
– I actually got her on accident, but she is amazing in every way possible and her art is gorgeous. I also juuust got NY!Takumi, so he’ll be my next dagger project!
Favorite dragon unit: NONE
– I lucked out on getting 2 Ninians, and I think my f!Corrin is pretty handy but other than that… I never really cared about dragon units.
Favorite dedicated team: Flier Emblem
– I know horse emblem is cool and all, but fliers man. FLIER EMBLEM.
Favorite unit: Frederick ♥