The rigors of school are finally getting to me, so I haven’t been able to do much outside of playing Fire Emblem Heroes and enjoying that #babydolphin life. Speaking of which: this was also such a terrible time to go from 50% F2P to 100% F2P. IS hit us with that surprise Tempest Trials/Ayra banner and I don’t have any orbs, money, or patience to roll on it after the hell that was the Performance Banner. :\ Anyway.
Against my better judgement, I started Fire Emblem Awakening on Thursday and I’m already into it. Yes, I should have started Echoes instead, but the heart wants what it wants and right now it wants to marry Robin to Frederick. I almost picked mRobin since my last avatar in Fates was a girl, but I couldn’t resist that sideswept lewk!
Three days a whole weekend of being sick later, I’m now on chapter 12 or 13 and I suspect that I’m halfway through the game. I’ve hit the point where I’m now agonizing over who to pair Eligible Bachelor No. 1 Lon’qu with. SO MANY OPTIONS.
(As for Persona 5, let’s not act like it won’t take me 5 years to beat that game. Just kidding…)