(Trying to update from my tablet…)
I started A Wife’s Credentials on my flight home today and it is safe to say I was captivated by the first two episodes. There wasn’t anything remarkable about Warm & Cozy for me to recognize Lee Sung-jae but daaaaaaang he really burns it up with Kim Hee-ae.
Subject matter was a surprise to me – I went into it for the Ahn Pan-seok/Jung Sung-joo/Kim Hee-ae combo, but it’s very mature and emotionally “raw”. Feeling feelings kind of stuff. It’s also interesting to see the societal/personal fallout AFTER a speedy/emotionally consuming affair… things happened so quickly (not TOO quick) and I’m still just on episode 7. Definitely a must watch.
(Getting back into the swing of watching dramas, but probably won’t get too serious until after early November.)