Legend of Zelda: ALBW
Animal Crossing (?!)
Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
Story of Seasons
Pokemon: Alpha Sapphire
Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright *
999 *
Persona 4
Ni no Kuni *
Beyond: Two Souls *
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD *
Kingdom Hearts 2.5 HD *
Saints Row IV
Hatoful Boyfriend *
Starred games are the ones that I’ve purchased, but not yet started. As you can see, it’s out of control. I think the only game I’m close to finishing is Saints Row IV, since I was really into playing games on my shiny new build. Forever stuck at 73%! But Persona 4 is forever my highest of priorities! This will be the year I finish it, seriously.
I sort of want to do a blog challenge similar to what I did for dramas last year (which I am considering revisiting this year, maybe with new themes, maybe not…), but games are time consuming… we’ll see!
EDIT: 75% done with Dual Destinies! It’s a process…