
毎日grind, 毎日rhymes

Spring ’15

Sometimes I wonder how many dramas is too many dramas… and then I watch more. Ha! This is more like a mid-season review, but it’s all Gucci!


Heard It Through the Grapevine

It’s been a good run, y’all. When did I last post about Grapevine? It was probably when baby drama subsided and they started to “accept” Bom, albeit grudgingly, ignorantly, and very slowly. Things were good, In-sang and Bom were charmed by it. I was too, but there’s no way you can have a 20+ episode drama without some conflict.

Spoilers for Episodes 16-24.

I think the adults, no matter their position, exert a lot of control over these two — thus, they were both roped into Joo-young’s issue stemming from a very vague situation involving her brother and Seo Chul-sik (Bom’s uncle), and the staff strike. I don’t want to say they’re easily influenced, but they do make decisions based on the issues that are brought to their attention… that is to say they never really face a conflict with each other. There’s always something that they’re fighting against, together. Papa Han also tries to start a secret love affair (hehe) with Young-ra, like it’s his god-given right to mess around. Yeon-hee grows a backbone, but at the first sign of her children reacting to their father’s blatant disrespect of their mother, she regresses. You were so close, Mama Han. Love yourself!

Naturally, Mama and Papa Han take out everything on Bom. I have never seen a set of in-laws more petulant than these two. They remind me a lot of Kang Joon-hyung (Secret Love Affair), but more… scheme-y??? Slightly more intelligent about their machinations with 10x the delusion. And what makes them dangerous in their delusion is that they actually have the power to act upon them. Watching them sip their tea and twirl their metaphorical mustaches has me soooooooooo heated. Yeon-hee is an actual child (if I had a drink for every time she says “I hate [Bom]”, I’d be crying liquor), and Jung-ho acts like he is so enlightened. This trifling fool! I can’t even. I DON’T EVEN.

Episode 24, though. I think I can speak for many when I say I’m disappointed in In-sang, but not wholly surprised by his actions (or non-action, really). Bom is already at the end of it and probably needed someone else to bat for her too, so that just made the result extra cruel! One on hand it’s like, “well, what was In-sang supposed to do?” but then I’m like, “YOUR MARRIAGE! YOUR WIFE!” and Bom understands as much, which is even harder for her to bear. This is the first time that there’s been an actual attack on their marriage and a source of conflict between the two, and I’m really hoping their love wins out. And In-sang does some growing up (rebellion =/= a difference). Somehow!

Other notes:

  • I’m surprised by how surprised I am by how the bar ladies (Young-ra and the other) are so vicious in their assessment of Bom and her marriage to In-sang. Everyone is ridiculous!!!!
  • And Look at Secretary Yang quietly siphoning money from the Han Trust! It may seem like a distraction from the bigger picture, but I think that this is just one of many forces that are ultimately acting against Hansong (and Han Jung-ho himself). It’s juicy stuff.
  • Shoutout to Mama Seo for being the only one in the family with any sense. While I can sort of understand where her husband and Noo-ri are coming from, this woman has the foresight of a goddess.
End spoilers!

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I’m Home

I had to watch three episodes to be sure. I’m Home is… good?! It’s good! The set up reminds me of A New Leaf, big time: two men who excel professionally, also amazing jerks to almost everyone. Accident happens and they lose all memories of their past lives and are now forced to come to terms with the fact that who they were wasn’t all that great. I’m Home is a little more convenient in that Ieji’s amnesia is a little more… selective. Bending the laws of neuroscience? Maybe. I can’t speak to Tokito Saburo’s performance, but I love Kimutaku in this. I think he’s better suited for grounded roles like these, where he isn’t necessarily playing the guy with a chip on his shoulder or this oh-my-gosh-QUIRKY but oh-so-GENIUS character either.

Who am I kidding, I was won over when he did this:

What will really elevate this drama for me is if they dial down the sentimentality (focus more on introspection and not cloying earnestness) and if it doesn’t turn into Hanzawa Naoki-lite. This is a drama that deserves to do well, the tools are there! I skipped Hero because I didn’t feel like having my feelings remastered and Ando Lloyd was super shiesty, so… fingers crossed?!?!?

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Current / Complete

Tenshi to Akuma: I can see why people don’t like Gouriki Ayame that much because her acting leaves a lot to be desired. It’s whatever. I don’t have a problem with her role, it’s pretty typical for this kind of drama. I just have a problem with the fact that she wears Nike track jackets underneath her blazers. The directing is beautiful, and it turns out that it’s the same guy who directed BORDER and Kageri Yuku Natsu!

Fuben na Benriya: I thought Mahoro Ekimae Bangaichi was the premier benriya drama and was initially keen on avoiding any others of its type, but I haven’t seen Okada Masaki in FIVE years. It’s a midnight drama, takes place in snowy snowy Hokkaido, bound to be somewhat interesting!

Ishitachi no Renai Jijou: It’s not even that Takumi Saito is particularly attractive, but there’s something about his overall aura that is very intense. Could be all the staring that he does. He’s also really tall/deliberate/rarely smiles/his character is probably thinkin about carrying out an affair (see: Hirugao, Koi). The more I think about it, I’m not even sure if this intensity is his schtick or he’s just a robot. LOL.

And my favorite gem: “Even if I’m a doctor, is it alright for me to fall in love?” best part is that this came from the first episode, lmfaooo. No chill.

Missing Noir M: I still don’t understand this title. M stands for what? Missing Noir… MANPAIN? Because James Gil has a past, and this show won’t let you forget it! I’m a loyal viewer despite not liking it that much.

Dakara Koya: A leftover from last season!

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Hitorigurashi + Itsumo Futari de: Every couple of years I get really into watching older Japanese dramas, and Hitorigurashi (1996) overtook Virgin Road (1997) as the oldest one I’ve ever watched. Speaking of the former, I thought that it was pretty bold for an older show. That “friendship” tho. Itsumo Futari de (2003) was a little newer and nothing out of the ordinary, I just miss watching Matsu Takako in things! She’s coming back for the SECOND Hero movie, which has me feeling some type of way…………….

Mondai no aru Restaurant: Surprised by how much I enjoyed it (fun, zippy dialogue), though I don’t consider it to be Sakamoto Yuji at his best. A little disappointed by the non-ending. Higashide Masahiro is a Grade A cutie.

Orient Kyuukou Satsujin Jiken: Fell apart in the second half and could have been much shorter. Blah!


4 responses to “Spring ’15”

  1. shucookies Avatar

    LOL Kimutaku’s ass shaking XD I should check that one out

    1. astromantic Avatar

      PLEASE DO. I’m still a few episodes behind, just hoping it doesn’t turn to poop at the halfway mark…

  2. emmaherself Avatar

    I tried to watch heard it through the grapevine. Because i could also guess what happens next, it made me cringe, and i didn’t want to watch it alone… i felt bad for those kids and i can’t stand people that exert power unnecessarily…

    1. astromantic Avatar

      Haha yeah, it can be a little much! I was frustrated on so many occasions.