
毎日grind, 毎日rhymes

Day 19: Favorite “Feel Good” Drama


There’s not a single show on this earth that makes me as happy as “Nodame Cantabile” (Fuji TV / 2006). This is one of those lucky dramas that strikes gold; not only did it make a seemingly dull topic (classical music, bleh) fun, but it filled it with heart and did so with one of the best ensemble casts in any drama. I could say a lot about Nodame Cantabile, but the moment that made me happiest from this show was the S-Oke v. A-Oke arc! Their performance had me feeling like…

Cello spins, violin lifts, S-Oke shirts and ALL.

Some dramas tend to lose momentum at the first sign of conflict, and you sort of lose out on what made you fall in love with it in the first place. There is not a single lull I can remember in watching Nodame Cantabile or in my rewatch (just seven episodes). It’s consistently well paced and even when there were moodier moments, it never lost sight what made it fantastic.

As far as dramas go, I don’t see why anyone shouldn’t add this to their list, unless they have an aversion towards anything that makes them feel warm and fuzzy. And if by chance you happen to be disappointed by Naeildo Cantabile, take solace in the fact that this nugget of sunshine exists! (Fingers crossed that we aren’t, though. I really like Shim Eun-kyung and Joo-won, so I want this version to succeed just as well.)

(More) Reasons to Watch: Ueno Juri as Noda Megumi. ICONIC! If there’s any reason you watch this show, it should be for her.
Honorable Mention: “Beach Boys” (Fuji TV / 1997), what a throwback! Just two handsome guys learning to live a little at a seaside B&B. What more could you ask for?