The relationship between Tachibana Saki and Minakata Jin was never a question of will-they-or-won’t-they; it was clear throughout the first season of JIN that he was pretty devoted to Miki/fascinated by Nokaze and getting back to present day Japan. Also clear is the fact that Saki really admires and respects Jin and his abilities, maybe with a little more emphasis on the admiration. It’s not like there hasn’t been an attempt, however. Jin eventually asks if they could be together and she’s like “nah”, but we all know. WE KNOW!
Somewhere down the road, after the sentiment and sadness sandwich that is most of the finale/hundreds of years later, Saki says how she feels simply and honestly:
“From that person, I received the most beautiful sunset in the world. I remembered that. For the person whose name nor face I could not remember… I had fallen in love. However, I was certain that as things were, someday I would forget all of it; even the reason for my shedding those tears. For each of the memories that occurred to me about you, I would record them down. Sensei… once more, I will write it down here. I, Tachibana Saki, adored Sensei.”
JIN 2×11
Maybe it was the music? Perhaps it was Jin being moved to tears by all that transcendental affection. Who knows?! What I do know is that it worked for me and it was lovely. They could have ended it there with Jin looking out towards the same sunset and I would have been so pleased.
(More) Reasons to watch: Ayase Haruka knocking it out of the park, and I’m pretty sure this is the role that got her her very own jidaigeki (“Yae no Sakura”).
Honorable Mention: UNMATCHED.