In case you couldn’t already tell by some of my very vague tweets, I took the plunge and got a Nintendo 3DS XL. I originally intended to get a black/black 3DS (breaking my tradition of getting pink Nintendo handhelds), but how can you resist the matte gold/black?!
I’m still getting used to the controls and the weight (SO HEAVY), but the 3D is DAZZLING. Seriously. I mean… how you doin’ that? I do keep it off the majority of the time to save my eyes and conserve battery, though. And speaking of which, the battery life is a little disappointing considering how magical the DS Lite was in that regard, but not surprising since it comes with so much STUFF. My friends asked me what I did the first night I got it and I really didn’t have an answer for them because all I was doing was playing with the settings, lolz
So far I’m only playing “Pokemon Y” —X has the cooler Mononoke-esque legendary, but I took one for the team— because no one told me that 3DS games were so expensive, hahah. Thankfully I received a downloadable code for “Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds” as a part of the overall bundle to keep me busy for a while.
10 responses to “So triforce. Much gold. Wow.”
Ahhh you got the same 3DSXL that my brothers are trying to get! It looks really nice. I’m jealous! Yeah, the 3DS’ battery life isn’t too great compared to the DS lite, but all those apps!!! Wow!!! Surprisingly, the battery lasts longer than you would expect if you’re doing something like watching Netflix. You could squeeze in a little more than two avg-length movies in for one charge. Then again if you have a smart phone or a comp nearby, you’re probably not gonna wanna rely on your 3DS for Netflix anyway lol. Are there any games other than Pokemon and Zelda that you’re interested in playing? You’re getting Ace Attorney, right??
It is stupidly gorgeous, but I felt like it wasn’t as limited edition as I thought it would be since my friends and I all ended up getting the same one, lolll. Hopefully your brothers have just as much luck finding it as we did. THE APPS ARE CRAZY I haven’t even gone thru all of them yet but dat camera, man. 3D!!!! And I actually bought the DS for AA5.Nintendo really forced my hand there… I didn’t even have a choice! :'( Pokemon and Zelda are just early bonuses, haha. The list of games I want for this thing is quite lengthy, but I think u would be pleased to know Kid Icarus Uprising is on this list
The camera is sooo fun! It’s almost embarrassing how much time I’ve spent playing with the face merger setting. You get some really Interesting results. Also YISS re: Kid Icarus. I’m NGL, it can be really hard but you’re allowed to change the difficulty setting of each level w/ a lot of precise control, so it’s v beatable. I hope you have fun with that once you get around to playing it. And I hope you enjoy the rest of your games too! I’m getting Zelda and AA5 as soon as I’m done with finals. I just gotta last until then!!
Are you planning on playing Pokemon any time soon? I have this feeling that you’d really really enjoy it/make hilarious tweets about it, lolll. Also gonna buy KH3D whenever I get the chance because I have to be emotionally compromised by Kingdom Hearts at least once a year
I think I’m getting it for Christmas! I’ll probably get Y because everyone I know has X. KH3D destroyed me even though it’s overall a really happy/fun game. Idk. I’m just so emotional abt Kingdom Hearts lmao
Finaaaaaaaaaaaalllyyyyyyyyyyyy! Mine is …, what’s yours?!
Mine’s ….!
My friends have the Zelda one as well. It is gorgeous. I’m still on a DS Lite, but I don’t game as heavily as they do so there won’t be any upgrading for me for a while.
I had my DS Lite since late 2007, and I held on for a while… but there was a game released last year that really forced my hand, so I had no choice! I can see myself keeping this one for a good amount of years, especially considering how much I spent on it. (And how will Nintendo even beat 3D?)