
毎日grind, 毎日rhymes

Gonzo (Episode 1)


The list of dramas I planned to watch this summer are finally dwindling down (just 1.5 left), but I think I may have finally stumbled upon a really good police procedural. It’s only been the first episode, so I’ll reserve (most of) my judgement until I’m mid-way through the series. It’s a good sign, though! I tried watching Uchino Masaaki’s other investigative effort (Rinjo — he was a medical examiner this time) and nearly died of boredom. I don’t know how that show got a second season, but if the ratings were good enough…


Ugh, I’m crossing my fingers and hoping that this drama isn’t a disappointment. I love the cinematography (everything looks so crisp and gorgeous) and I like the detective work I’ve seen. PLEASE BE GOOD :(

(AND YES, that is Sakamoto Ryoma! I just finished Shikaotoko Aoniyoshi, too. I think I’m having JIN withdrawals.)