Well, I’m halfway through Guilty [Akuma to Keiyakushita Onna], and what better way to celebrate the fact than with some old fashioned tl;dr?
– Superior is such a creeper! セクハラ alert! Although he’d probably sabotage your ass/intimidate the heck out of you for trying to cross him or something. He’s just that type.
– MEIKO, WHERE IS YOUR SOUL (oh, wait…) I thought it was pretty precious that she was sharing pictures of her puppies with that one sick girl, nope, IT’S THE DAUGHTER OF THE MAN SHE DESTROYED!! It was seriously distressing to think about what she could do. (My thoughts at the time were, “since she’s practically bankrupt the guy, does this mean that she won’t get to have her surgery? AHHHHHHHH” … fortunately that wasn’t the case. She just killed her papa, nbd.)
– Dojima…
(Seriously, don’t be surprised if this fool gets killed off before the end of this series.)
– MEIKO GIVE INTO MASHIMA’S CHARMS!!! It is so frustrating (for me) that after all this attention, she feels like she doesn’t deserve some sweet sweet lovin’. :'( And it’s also frustrating because for a drama that’s billed as a romance/mystery… where is this romance you speak of? It’s the fifth episode, dagnabbit! And Enomoto, he doesn’t curr about you anymore! And I feel like she doesn’t contribute much to anything. I know she’s getting stuff done, but her pining for Mashima can be SO overpowering at times. I want more of the flawless HBIC that I know Kichise Michiko can be.
I’ve never trusted this shady son of a b. I’ve got a theory about the entire situation, though: Miwa’s disappeared, but we’ve since heard that Meiko was wrongly accused and he would take possibly take revenge in her place. Her plans are very complex (not to undermine her own ability — she’s jaded enough to commit them herself), and it could be that Miwa is giving her some of the “ammunition” to do all of this. Seriously, how can one get such a chemical when she killed Matsunaga? How else would she be able to cover up the murders as flawlessly as she has?
I also think Ukita is definitely involved in Meiko’s conviction, possibly wants to climb further up that ladder and will sabotage anyone (read: Miwa, Mashima) to do so.
Moment the you-know-what hits the fan: MEIKO FINDS OUT MASHIMA IS A COP. LIFE SUCKS. And the worst part is that they showed a flashback of all their ~tender~ scenes together. But in the next episode she may or may not have spent the night at his apartment at his request. I do not understand this show, and I’ve kind of given up on their romance but I really want to get down to the bottom of this murder mystery!
And this gem: “I didn’t break up with you so you could make love to a criminal!”
A good first five episodes? Of course! I’m looking forward to the ensuing drama and the mystery. I hope that some questions are slowly answered as the show goes along and they don’t just pull a Ryusei no Kizuna and have every. single. secret. revealed in the very last episode (that’s crap).