Kyoko Odagiri is known as a showy, charismatic and popular psychic, though in reality she has no special powers. Instead, the unusual heroine gathers information through her own effort, then plays up the role of the psychic, willing to create any kind of lie if it will help save someone. Shosuke Tanihara (38) will play the mysterious Ichiro Taniguchi, who becomes Kyoko’s accomplice. (tokyograph)
(I will begin by asking this question: WHY DO THEY GET EUROPEAN ACTORS TO PLAY AMERICANS?! Not that there’s an issue with that, but the English is so mrrphtfh that I’m just like, “oh… so you’re from Louisi-what now?” smh)
Within the first few minutes I knew I was going to enjoy Reinoryokusha.
In some ways, it reminds me of a little manga called Zodiac P.I. (horoscopes and solving mysteries and all that good ish), but cuter. Tanihara Shosuke has great comedic timing, but oh gosh. Ishihara Satomi is the cutest ever!! And the drama itself is ridiculous in the way that Hanakimi was ridiculous — over the top goodness.
“This is my stalker.”
“I’m Taniguchi, her producer.”
What I’m especially worried about is whether there will be some sort of tearful confession (ugh) or not. I recall fast forwarding through Kimutaku’s in CHANGE (it was what, a billion minutes long? I don’t feel like seeing you cry for ten minutes). They’re usually so heavy handed and blah and I don’t really give a hoot. I definitely expect it though, since she’s a fraud, but I’d prefer that it just doesn’t happen. It probably will.
I will also forever LOL at the fact that Taniguchi’s codename is “M” while his partner’s is “S”. S&M. BADUM-CHHHH. And his athleticism! Really, it’s something you have to see for yourself.