
毎日grind, 毎日rhymes

Day 11: Best Directing

When it comes to directing, sometimes I look at musical direction (improperly placed music can really kill a vibe), but was I just looking for an opportunity to post beautiful shots? Maaayb…yes.

[lightgrey_box]Slightly image heavy.[/lightgrey_box]

Long Goodbye


dir. Kentaro Horikirizono

This show has been a runner up for a few things (Best Mini-series or Special, Craziest Drama), so I think it’s fair I finally speak to something it does best!

“Long Goodbye” was actually the inspiration for this prompt, because every time I flipped through my screencaps, I had to stop and sigh at how stunning it looked. The lighting (so striking!), grainy overlay, use of shadow… yeaaaah, get that NHK budget! Also, Asano Tadanobu! In a drama! You really can’t go wrong there.


Double Tone


dir. Koichiro Miki

Double Tone (NHK / 2013) loves those overhead shots, which I mentioned after watching it last year. It’s like peering into a dream!


Secret Love Affair


dir. An Pan-seok

The title of this drama (jTBC / 2014) tells no lies, and the camerawork was cozy and intimate when it needed to be. One of my favorite moments came from when Hye-won and Seon-jae sat next to one another, listening to a recording of his earlier performance. He grabs her hand while laughing at himself, and it’s just this beautiful instance where he realizes that they’re touching and they’re so aware of each other. So lovely.


Shitsuren Chocolatier


dir. Hiroaki Matsuyama

Shitsuren Chocolatier” (Fuji TV / 2014) somehow made chocolate sexual. I don’t know. I think I got distracted by Matsumoto Jun waxing philosophical while making whipped cream. I also didn’t think Ishihara Satomi could get any prettier! This is the sweetest and dreamiest looking drama on this list. P.S. You’re going to see her eating chocolate, a lot.


Honorable Mention: “Woman”, “Yae no Sakura”, “It’s Okay, It’s Love” — visual directing yes, musical directing noNONONONO.