Rather than writing about the dramas I’m seriously committing to, I’m previewing episodes of everything ever basically. You might also call this wanton “LET’S TRY THIS” foolishness. I still have a grip of dramas from last season to finish, but eh.
Doubles ~Futari no Keiji~
In the first few minutes, they made sure to reiterate the fact that Tashiro (Sakaguchi Kenji) and Yamashita (Ito Hideaki) were really manly. You know, climbing mountains and getting into fights on the beach. Zooming in on biceps. Shirtlessness. Gratuitous shower scenes. Woof.
As is the case with most crime/procedural dramas, we’re usually witnessing the inception of a new unit/division. And when they say they gathered the “best and brightest” personnel for it, it’s usually the people no one ever wants and the cases no one ever wants to solve. The first episode was pretty solid, despite revisiting some of the all too familiar tropes in dramas of this variety. Doubles isn’t reinventing the genre in anyway, but I actually really enjoy the leads’ chemistry and the fact that it isn’t trying too hard to be more than what it is.
Last Cinderella
I was a fool to believe that Fujiki Naohito would be less of a jerk in another drama. Sad days! I like Sakura (Shinohara Ryoko) enough, but I don’t understand anyone else in this show, especially not Hiroto (Miura Haruma). It’s no fun knowing that he’s only manipulating Sakura into liking him! Last Cinderella‘s plot is very simplistic, so much that I’ve decided to go ahead and predict some very crucial plot points:
◆ Chiyoko likes Rintaro.
◇ Rintaro is close to Sakura in a way that makes Chiyoko uncomfortable, so…
◆ … she enlists Hiroto to emotionally manipulate Sakura and break her heart.
◇ Hiroto actually has feelings for Chiyoko. Or something. Or are they siblings? I don’t even know! Shit’s weird.
◆ Sooner or later Rintaro will realize that he should stop being a sexist jerk he actually likes Sakura? Whaaaat!
◇ He’ll also try and tell Sakura the truth about Hiroto…
◆ … but Sakura’ll be in too deep and won’t believe him (she’ll learn about it the hard way.)
◇ Hiroto will actually want to quit being the bad guy.
◇ And I know this all sounds crazy, but he might actually feel something (and this something may not be romantic, but it’s… “something”) for Sakura! WhooAOoooaoaoO!
◆ Chiyoko remains jealous. And she’ll realize that she’s lost a good thing in Hiroto. they deserve each other
◇ Buuuuuut Sakura is conflicted! Rintaro or Hiroto?
◆ She’ll pick Rintaro, though. Or she’ll reconcile with her oyajiness and create her own happiness!
◇ Hiroto and Chiyoko will resolve their issues…
◆ Rintaro and Sakura cut hair happily ever after. After some unrequited love nonsense that no one cares about.
Phew. (Honestly, you might be better off watching Around 40, which was incredibly charming and wonderful!)
Next up: Senyuu Tantei Tokage, Otenki Onee-san and Mandate of Heaven.
One response to “Spring Sampler (2013)”
[…] reviews of some of the things I’ve watched and am currently watching! Inspired by F’s spring & summer samplers over at ASTROMANTIC (♡) only mine kind of got out of hand. Like 2800+ […]